I like the TedEd video Five Fingers of Evolution. I feel like it covers all the mechanisms of evolution in a concise manner. I also like that it uses the same examples throughout the video. It ties in well with genetics as well, which we finish just before we do evolution. I made an Edpuzzle using this video. It has questions and places for notes. I know I’ve mentioned it, but I really like Edpuzzle. It is just one of the many tools we can use for turning the classroom into a more student centered learning environment. Using this video, they don’t have to listen to me talk, they have to use the video to take notes. I know there are different ways of looking at fill in the blank notes, but I teach all freshman that are still learning how to take notes. I think fill in the blank notes are a great way to help them learn. Here is a link to the editable Google Doc version.